Forehead Wrinkles

One tell-tale signs of aging are forehead wrinkles that slowly appear between our mid-twenties and mid-thirties. Forehead wrinkles are a direct result of time, sun damage, and other environmental factors that take a toll on the body. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce and prevent forehead wrinkles.

What Causes Forehead Wrinkles

The primary causes of forehead wrinkles are:

  • Damage from the sun
  • Tanning beds
  • Smoking
  • Stress

We can reduce our exposure to these environmental factors, but they will always be a part of our lives. While a good defense to prevent forehead wrinkles will help slow the process of developing forehead wrinkles, some type of treatment is needed.

Ways to Treat Forehead Wrinkles

There are a number of popular treatments for forehead wrinkles:

  • Face lift. While this does not prevent wrinkles, it does get rid of them. The problem is that it is surgery which comes with risks, is painful, is expensive, and you can always tell when someone has had work done.
  • Botox. This will temporarily get rid of wrinkles, but it does not last, is expensive, is not comfortable, and it does nothing to nourish the skin. More importantly, there is some evidence that in the end Botox can speed the signs of aging.
  • Anti-Wrinkle Products. Wrinkle creams and serums are a great way to prevent forehead wrinkles. Relative to the other options available, wrinkle creams and serums are inexpensive, easy to apply, actually feel good when applied to the skin, and are nourishing.

We strongly advise finding a good wrinkle cream to prevent forehead wrinkles because they are proven to work, they have virtually no side effects, and they provide other anti-aging benefits that you don't get with other options.

Wrinkle Products to Prevent Forehead Wrinkles

A good wrinkle product that will prevent forehead wrinkles should have the following ingredients:

  • Antioxidants. A wrinkle product that will prevent forehead wrinkles should have several sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants help reverse damages from environmental factors and from aging.
  • Vitamins. A good wrinkle product that will prevent forehead wrinkles should nourish your skin with vitamins. Look specifically for wrinkle products that include Vitamins A, C, D, and/or E. Providing this nourishment to your skin will help your skin naturally repair and rejuvenate itself.
  • Collagen Enhancers. Wrinkles occur as the collagen that binds skin cells together breaks down with age. A good wrinkle product that will help prevent forehead wrinkles should include ingredients that encourage the development of collagen in the skin.
  • Moisturizers. The last important component to a good wrinkle cream or serum needs to be moisturizers. By providing the moisture and ingredients to help skin retain moisture, a good wrinkle product will leave the skin healthier and plumper so that even the wrinkles that are there are drastically muted

Americans spend around $12 billion a year to prevent wrinkles through creams and other products. It is important that you pick a product that is hypo-allergenic, dermatologist-approved, and is from a trusted manufacturer. We have tested a host of wrinkle prevention products and have found a select few that are able to provide all of the nourishment that your skin needs. Two of the top products that will prevent forehead wrinkles are AquaScoop and RevitaSkin. Check out our product reviews for AquaScoop and RevitaSkin to learn more.